Reimagining Transformative and Emancipatory Adult Education for a World to Come

Πρακτικά ESREA ebook

Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the ESREA Transformative and Emancipatory Adult Education Network

July 5-7, 2023 – Hellenic Open University, Patras, Greece

Dive into the insights and innovations from the inaugural conference of the ESREA Transformative and Emancipatory Adult Education Network with this comprehensive proceedings eBook. Held at the Hellenic Open University in Patras, Greece, this conference brought together scholars, practitioners, and educators from around the world to explore critical topics at the nexus of adult education and societal transformation.

In This eBook, You Will Discover:

  • Art and Ecology: Integrating creative approaches with environmental consciousness in adult learning.
  • Employment and Training Transitions: Navigating changes in the workforce and the impact of global events like COVID-19.
  • Literacy and Learning: Strategies for improving adult literacy and self-directed learning experiences.
  • Community and Critical Thinking: Utilizing local businesses as learning environments and enhancing problem-solving skills through gamification.
  • Innovation in Education: Applying transformative learning theories to foster talent development and promote significant educational reforms.

How to Download:

  1. Fill Out the Form Below Provide your name and email address in the fields provided. Your download link will be sent directly to your inbox.

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  2. Receive Your eBook After submitting the form, you will receive an email with a link to download the eBook. Check your inbox (and the spam folder, just in case) to download your copy.
  3. Start Reading Open your eBook on any compatible device and start exploring the future of adult education. Gain valuable insights that can be applied in various educational settings to foster transformative and emancipatory learning experiences.

Why Download?

By accessing these proceedings, you’ll engage with cutting-edge research and practical findings that emphasize the liberating power of adult education. Whether you’re an educator, a researcher, or an enthusiast, these perspectives will equip you with the knowledge to contribute to the evolution of adult learning landscapes.

Download your free copy today and be a part of the change you wish to see in the world of adult education!

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